With This Easy Homemade Recipe, Mosquitoes And Cockroaches Will Always Stay Away From Your House.

You’re the kind of person who likes winter more than summer because there are fewer bugs, especially mosquitoes and ants, which are the worst. But in the summer, we all spend a lot of money on bug sprays to keep insects out of our homes.

There is a big problem with these store-bought items, which is a shame. Most of the time, they don’t work, and you can’t deal with this problem.

There is a natural recipe that you can make at home, which is good news. You don’t need a lot of money because all of the materials are cheap.

You’ll need these things to make this homemade dish:

1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup shampoo
1/2 cup vinegar

How to make it and use it:

First, put these ingredients in a spray bottle and mix them well.
Then, spray it all over your house and yard.
You should do this every day, and soon you will see results.

Courtesy: https://www.demicblog.com/

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