Three young girls were hiking in the woods near their home in Forsyth County when they heard strange sounds. They didn’t know for sure what animal was making those strange noises that sounded like a baby crying.
The next second, they looked at each other as if they were wondering if it was possible that a baby was in the middle of the woods. Even though it seemed strange, they chose to call their dad for help anyway. And that was the smartest thing they could have done.
Alan Ragatz, their dad, came home and was shocked by what he saw. He found a baby left in a plastic bag with its umbilical cord still attached. The baby girl had only been born for a few hours, and Alan and his daughters saved her life.
A newborn baby was found alive in a plastic bag in the woods outside Atlanta, Georgia. Police are still searching for the mother. They say the girl, currently named Baby India, is in good health.
— AJ+ (@ajplus) June 26, 2019
Kayla, one of Alan’s children, said this about that day: “We got our flashlights and drove around, and we were like, “That doesn’t sound like an animal.”
When they told Alan that they thought they heard a baby crying, he said, “That’s got to be impossible.” It’s either a cat, a deer, or something else.” But his daughters were right, and thank God they moved quickly and helped save the baby’s life.
“We went down and brought it back up. We called 911 because there was a poor baby wrapped in a plastic bag,” Alan said. “She had a pulse. We thought that the fact that she was crying was a good sign. Could have been worse. It’s because of my girls. “They were the ones who kept going.”

When the authorities were told, the baby was taken to a safe place where she could get the help and care she needed.
“There’s no question that God helped find this child. Sheriff Ron Freeman thanked the Ragatz family for what they did. “If it weren’t for these citizens, we’d be talking about something else,” he said.
The fact that the baby, whom they named India, didn’t get hurt despite the way her mother dumped her was a miracle and “an act of God.” India’s story got around, and many people wanted to take her in. In fact, more than a thousand people were ready to give her the home she didn’t have with her biological parents.
Tom Rawlings, who runs the state’s Division of Family and Children Services, says, “Thousands of people from all over the country and other parts of North America have asked to adopt Baby India.”
Princess India is now doing much better and can’t wait to meet her new mommy and daddy. “She is getting bigger and happier. She’s a calm baby who enjoys being held and sung to, and she’s doing well now,” Rawlings said.
As of right now, everyone in the country sends love and good wishes to the little fighter who wouldn’t stop fighting for her life and did everything she could to get her cries for help heard.