10 Success Lessons from Gordon Ramsay

Gordon Ramsay is a Scottish chef and restaurateur known for his highly acclaimed restaurants and cookbooks but perhaps best known in the early 21st century for the profanity and fiery temper that he freely displayed on television cooking programs.

There’s a reason why Gordon Ramsay is so successful in his line of work. He does not take no for an answer and knows exactly what he wants from people. Most of the below have been applied to cooking and restaurant ownership, but these are 10 success lessons from Gordon Ramsay that you just can’t ignore.

1. Don’t be too clever.

Okay, look, we know you’re clever and you have a lot to offer, but trying to be too clever at something so simple can end up ruining things. Gordon Ramsay explained this when he was talking about food dishes. Trying to add loads of clever touches at the end can ruin a dish.

If you’re a blogger, you’ll probably want to try and add every snazzy widget you can and make the site look as busy as possible. This is actually quite counterproductive. Just stick to the simplistic look of blogs like ProBlogger.net, and it’ll help people focus on your content more.

2. Know Your Market

Gordon Ramsay says you have to know the market that you’re appealing to. For the restaurant example, if you are opening a business in an area where people love one food and you’re offering them another, you’re not going to be as popular.

Know your market and what your customers want, and then use this to produce products that you can tell them they will want! This is the exact strategy that Apple has used with the iPod, and it worked beautifully.

3. Ask for help when you need it.

There’s no point in not asking for help, either because you’re too stubborn or too shy to do so. Even if you tell yourself you have all the answers, believe me, you don’t. There are plenty of people out there who have done what you’re now doing or will be doing now.

Ask them any questions you have and answer any that they might ask you. Help each other out. In the business world, you should be working as a team to help each other and increase your productivity. If you’re stuck but don’t want to ask anyone, be prepared to be stuck for a lot longer.

4. Believe in what you are doing. Find your bolts.

We talk about this so often, as said in 50 Cent’s and Richard Branson’s rules for success. You need to believe in yourself and push yourself. Don’t just constantly doubt your ideas and your thoughts; have the balls to pursue them.

I don’t know how you can expect to succeed in what you’re doing if you don’t have the guts to actually believe you can become successful and to actually do what it takes to get there.

5. Don’t be afraid to talk to people.

This sort of ties in with the ask for help part, but you should still be willing to talk to people, whether it be your employees, fellow businesses in your niche, and so on.

Networking is a big thing, and if you’re not putting yourself out there, then how do you expect to be heard and noticed by others? After all, that is how you become successful, right?

6. Quality can never be compromised.

You should never rush anything just to get it done or move forward with something when you know it’s not good enough. You don’t win any medals for ‘nearly amazing’. Either what you’re offering is amazing, or it’s not good enough to be amazing.

Not being too concerned with consistently high quality is where mistakes are made and people are left less satisfied, or even unsatisfied all together. Take the time to do the job properly, or do it again until you get it right.

7. Always Be Getting Better

If you’re not improving, then what the hell are you doing? Just waiting for things to start getting better? Always try to improve yourself and get better at what you are doing. It’s how your business will be able to grow and will mean that you’re able to keep up with any changes in the environment around you.

8. Always communicate.

What’s a business without communication? Especially when it comes to a team of cooks working in a high-profile restaurant. If you didn’t have good communication with those around you, you’d get absolutely slaughtered.

Remember this, as it’s incredibly important. Keeping up the level of communication means that you’re always kept in the loop and that you’re always aware of what’s going on around you.

9. Don’t get too ambitious for your skills.

Again, keep everything nice and simple. If you start to get a little bit too ambitious for a business of your size, you’ll end up spreading yourself out and not being able to keep up a good relative audience.

A good example of this is when you start to promote a website on various social media accounts. Let’s say a Facebook page, a Twitter account, and a Pinterest wall.

If you just start with one and build on it, you’ll be spending a lot more time on it, become better at marketing with it, and be able to build a larger, more engaged audience.

If, however, you try to split your time between the three, you might just lose any engagement with your audience and end up sucking at all of them. Nobody wants that.

10. Addition by Subtraction

My economics teacher in sixth grade was the first to teach me about the law of diminishing returns, whereby as you hire more employees, the total output of work will increase until you hire one too many, and they get in each other’s way and productivity starts to drop.

Gordon Ramsay uses the same rule. If you have an employee who’s not able to contribute enough to the job and ends up lowering the business’s productivity, get rid of them, lower your costs, and increase your profits.

Source:; https://wealthygorilla.com/

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