J.K. Rowling Says She’ll Never For:give Emma Watson & Daniel Radcliffe

J.K. Rowling has hinted that she will never forgive Emma Watson or Daniel Radcliffe. Rowling, 58, is the author of the ‘Harry Potter’ series, which has sold millions of copies worldwide.

It has also evolved into one of the most profitable film franchises in history. The franchise has been fraught with controversy in recent years due to the author’s thoughts on s3x and gen:der.

Rowling has now spoken out against two of the film’s major stars, declaring she will never forgive them.

It all began in 2020 when Rowling retweeted an op-ed about ‘those who ᴍᴇɴsᴛʀᴜᴀᴛᴇ’, and she looked to be upset that it didn’t say ‘women’.

The author would tweet, “‘People who ᴍᴇɴsᴛʀᴜᴀᴛᴇ’.” “I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?”

Despite receiving a lot of outrage, Rowling refused to back down from her statements, saying, “If s** isn’t real, there’s no same-s** attraction. If s** isn’t real, the lived reality of women globally is erased.

“I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of s** removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives. It isn’t hate to speak the truth.”

Under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith, Rowling will publish a book titled ‘The Ink Black Heart’ in 2022. It’s a crime thriller about a YouTuber named Edie Ledwell, who creates a cartoon that is criticized for being racist, ableist, and transphobic.

Rowling was blasted on X, formerly Twitter, for the new book, with one user tweeting: “I just finished reading ‘The Ink Black Heart’. How can I describe it? – Utterly transphobic and ableist. – Poorly written. – Unnecessarily verbose. – Painfully long. – The worst of the series so far.”

Another said: “If any person personifies how becoming very wealthy dulls you from the humanity that made you successful in the first place, it’s J.K. Rowling. “Imagine writing a whole pity party of a book because trans-Twitter was mean to you after you were mean to them.”

Several Harry Potter stars have also expressed their opposition to Rowling’s beliefs.

In June 2020, Daniel Radcliffe released a statement through The Trevor Project, claiming that he felt bound to speak out.

It read: “I understand that certain press outlets may try to portray this as a feud between J.K. Rowling and myself, but that is not what this is about, nor is it what is relevant right now.

“While Jo is definitely responsible for the path of my life, as someone who has been honored to work with and continue to contribute to The Trevor Project for the past decade, and simply as a human being, I feel obligated to say something at this time.


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