1) It isn’t motivation; it’s dedication.
Motivation isn’t real. When you chase motivation, you’re chasing a fleeting ghost. Meaning, if you work based on motivation, you will remain stuck in a constant cycle of highs and lows. The answer is to dedicate yourself.
Dedicate yourself to hitting the gym, and you will. Dedicate yourself to cultivating a skill that will help you quit your job. Stop relying on motivation to do anything. How you feel will only leave you a mere shadow of your true potential.
2) You must decide not to be comfortable.
Unlike anywhere in the history of the world, you can live your life in absolute comfort. Where your ancestors would have to work in the fields and fight in the trenches, all to die at 30 over a cold.
You, on the other hand, can live as a good house slave. Never suffering for what you want, always ordering food to your door, living in the metaverse on video games, and getting a steady paycheck.
You have to decide that you want more. Otherwise, you will live in a constant state of misery and comfort. You can live out your days with an average girlfriend, mindlessly consume content, and not hit the gym, so your body deteriorates. Nobody will try to stop you from doing this, as it is seen as normal in our current world.
Alternatively, you can live in another version of reality. A reality where you have the best girl for you, you use social media to learn and network, and you hit the gym to mold your body.
You only have so many years on earth. You may as well use them to enjoy your life and suffer for something more out of yourself. It all starts with deciding you are giving up comfort in exchange for a life of suffering and conquest.
3) Life is one big video game.
Adin Ross made his name by playing video games. Leveling up his character by getting more money, better weapons, faster cars, and high ranking scores. No hate on Adin at all. He’s built himself into a millionaire and turned his hobby into a business. I respect what he has built.
The point of the statement above is that there are people in the real world who turn their lives into one big video game. Getting stronger, driving fast cars, making more money, and living a life of adventure. You’ve got the same option as well.
4) Life is a war; you have to fight to keep your place.
In today’s world, we are comfortable. We’ve long forgotten that this life is player versus player. Countries fight each other over more resources and power. Individuals fight over having more money and a sexy wife and aggressively build themselves day by day.
Sure, you were born with the life you have. Never forget, you must fight to keep your place and, more importantly, get more out of life.
Whether that is you learning how to save money instead of wasting it, or whether it is training in the gym so you become strong enough to defend your loved ones, Heck, online business is war as well.
Everything in this world will require you to make a plan and act on it. Everybody wants similar things. Those who get it are the winners. Those who do not are the losers. It’s your job to get serious and start playing to win.
5) Your Duty to God
From the moment you’re given life and become conscious, you gain the task of performing your duty to God. A “mindset tip from Andrew Tate” that stood out to me as I have viewed life this way for a while is that each thing you do should be performed as an act of duty.
You hit the gym as a duty to God, as he wants you strong and healthy. You make money and work as an act of duty to God, as a way to spread the light and take care of your loved ones.
Everything in your life is given a new purpose when you begin viewing it as a form of duty instead of just “another thing” you’ve got to do.
6) You must fix your mind and resist the slave programming.
This world is designed to trap you. Since you were born, the slave programming, as Tate calls it, has been programming you. They’ve brainwashed you into being less than you can be, so you accept your lot in life.
It is on you to fix your mind. Tate calls this blinking to cure your mind. Essentially, you identify what is happening to you, then blink and stop allowing it to have any control over you.
An example:
Social media is designed to keep you addicted. Every second you spend on their app helps them make more money from their advertisers. As a result, they’ve designed social media to keep you mindlessly scrolling.
If you want to test yourself, sit on TikTok for a day. Watch your own mind. You’ll find yourself feeling off and hardly able to concentrate on anything. The only way to fix this is to blink and take back control. It’s a conscious decision.
Until you take control of your mind, you will remain a feather in the wind. Allowing your emotions to take you wherever they want. People will influence you, and let me tell you, they don’t care about you as much as you think they do.
First, accept that you must control your mind.
Second, accept to control your mind; you must control your own thoughts.
Third: Only then will you be able to finally begin changing your life.
7) There’s no competition.
A point Tate made that really hit home was how everyone is distracted and can’t focus anymore. You sit there with 10 different tabs open in your browser. While you’re in the elevator for 10 seconds, you can’t resist the urge to check your phone. Then, while you’re in the middle of working out, you look at your phone about 100 times.
To stand out and crush your competition, you only need to learn how to focus. While your competition has the attention span of a goldfish, you can train your mind to focus for hours on end.
Meaning, you will focus on what needs to be done and be able to get more out of life than almost every person around you. For a man of focus, there is no competition.
8) It all starts with the man in the mirror who makes a decision.
Every great moment in my life began when I looked at myself in the mirror. Deep into my eyes. I was tired of what I was accepting in my life and made a decision.
The same is true for you. It is time for you to go and speak with the man in the mirror. He’s been there waiting for you this entire time. Get some balls and go make a deal with him.
9) Most people are empty vessels seeking validation from others.
Most people around you are empty vessels. They get their happiness, fulfillment, validation, and purpose from other people. This is a terrible way to go through life, and if you find yourself feeling lost and empty, you’ve fallen into the validation trap.
To get out of this trap, you need to begin the journey towards self-validation. This starts with sticking to your word and making progress. Here are 10 maxims that helped me get started back in 2017. They will serve you well.
10) Anything is easy when you set your mind to it.
Most of your problems in life are due to mental weakness. Your porn addiction, lack of progress in business, and toxic relationships are all because of you. Specifically, the lack of boundaries, having no control over your thoughts, and living based on your emotions.
Luckily, you can overcome this cure by simply taking control of your thoughts. To show you how powerful and easy it is, decide that you’ll do 200 push-ups. Get down on the ground and start doing them.
By 20 push-ups in, your mind will tell you to quit and give you about five other excuses. This is where most people quit. A mastermind, on the other hand, silences his mind by telling it what he expects.
If doing the 200 push-ups gets hard, he takes a break and then gets back to it. Doing them little by little until they’re done.
This is a small yet powerful example of mental control. Keep this frame in mind when you get back into your life. Set an aim and refuse to allow your mind to deviate until it’s done. Control your thoughts, and you will control your mind. Once you control your mind, you gain much more influence over your life.
11) Goal setting is only for motivation; discipline is the secret.
Goals are great when it comes to deciding what you want. As an example, I set the goal of getting an apartment in Paraguay and living here. Now I’m living here and have set up an office for my team.
However, goals aren’t what you need. What you need is discipline. Goals will change every few weeks. Discipline is there to stay every day. When you become disciplined, it doesn’t matter how tired you are, how you feel, or anything else. You simply do what you’re supposed to do. Your emotions have nothing to do with what you decide.